File Name Explanatory Document/Information Comments ABBREV.WPM Expand Abbreviations Instantly Works correctly. ALTB.WPM A Macro to Blank the Screen Works correctly. ALTE.WPM Exit to the Document Screen Works correctly. ALTF.WPM An Easy Way to Insert Common Fractions Works correctly. "ALTM.WPM ALTN.WPM" Hyphens and Dashes Works correctly. ALTQ.WPM Smart Quotes Made Easier Works correctly. (QUOTES.STY style file is included.) ALTS.WPM Save and Backup Files with a Macro Works correctly. ALTT.WPM Create a One-Cell Table Works correctly. ALTV.WPM A Quick Way to View a Document Works correctly. ALTW.WPM Two-Key Macros Works correctly. (WJ.WPM sample macro is included.) ALTZ.WPM Insert Spanish Letters or Symbols Works correctly. BIGWORDS.WP Add the BigWords File to the Spell Checking Dictionary Works correctly. BLANKLNS.WPM "Remove Blank Lines from Documents (No document included)" Works correctly. BOOKLET.WPM Making Booklets with a Macro "Commands seem to work correctly, but I have no printer with which to test this." BORDERS.ZIP WordPerfect Page Border Collection Works correctly. Also works with WPDOS 6.x and WPWIN. BULLET.WPM Lots and Lots of Bullets Works correctly. (BULTAB table is included.) BULLETS.WPM Target Your Text with Bullets Works correctly. CA.WPM Change Text Attributes with a Macro Works correctly. CASECONV.WPM A Case Conversion Macro Works correctly. CATALOG.WPM Create a Clip Art Catalog Works correctly. CHARMENU.WPM Insert Symbols from a Menu Works correctly. CHECKBOX.WPM Create Empty Checkboxes with a Macro Works correctly. COLUMN.WPM Go to a Specific Tabular Column Works correctly. COMPARE.ZIP Compare Two Documents Works correctly. COPYCELL.WPM Copy Cells in Tables with a Macro Works correctly. COPYFONT.ZIP The CopyFont Program Not tested. CPSURE20.ZIP Composure Installation Instructions Works correctly. CTRL.WPM Assign Common Tasks to Ctrl-Letter Combinations Works correctly. "CTRLC.WPM CTRLP.WPM CTRLZ.WPM" "Cut, Copy and Paste" Works correctly. DA.WPM Don't Ask Macro Works correctly. DATETIME.WPM Insert the Date and Time with a Macro Works correctly. DEADKEY.WPK Deadkey Foreign Character Keyboard Works correctly. DELTABLE.WPM Quick Table Deletion with a Macro Works correctly. DIR.WPM A Menu to Choose Favorite Directories Works correctly. DOC.WPM A Document Assembly Macro Using Subdocuments Works correctly. DOCDIR.WPM Make the Active Document's Directory the Temporary Default Works correctly. DOCSUM.WPM A Document Summary Macro Works correctly. DOUBLEU.WPM A Double Underline Macro Works correctly. DROPCAP.WPM Easy Drop Caps with a Macro Works correctly. FACMAC.ZIP FACMAC Macro Index Not tested. FANCY.WPM Create Fancy Page Borders Works correctly. FAVES.WPM Find Your Favorite Files Fast Works correctly. FILEPATH.WPM Insert a File Path and Name Works correctly. FONTLESS.ZIP Macros for Fontless Printing Works correctly. FONTLIST.WPM Print Font Names with a Macro Works correctly. FRACTION.WPM Simple Fractions with a Macro Works correctly. FREEWPK.ZIP The FREE Keyboard Overview Not tested. "GENCHARS.WPM CHARSETS.WPM" Easily View Character Sets and Insert Characters Works correctly. GRPHDISK.WPM The Graphic On Disk Macro Works correctly. GRPHTITL.WPM Jazz Up Your Graphic Boxes Works correctly. GRPHVIEW.WPM Preview Graphics with a Macro Works correctly. HTWP.WPM HTML to WordPerfect Translator Works correctly. IDEA.WPM A Macro to Record Ideas Works correctly. JLHELP.ZIP John Land Macro Help Works correctly. JLMACS.ZIP John Land Macros Not tested. JOIN.WPM Connect Two Tables with a Macro Works correctly. JPN.WPM Use an On-Screen Japanese Keyboard Works correctly. JUMP.WPM The Rise and Fall of Text Works correctly. KBMAP.WPM Viewing Keyboard Layouts Works correctly. "KERNL.WPM KERNR.WPM" Kerning with Macros Works correctly. KEY.WPM Alt-Macro Overload Works correctly. KEYBOARD.WPM Select a Keyboard Works correctly. LAUNCH.WPM A Macro-Launching Macro Works correctly. LEXLEX.SUP LEXLEX.SUP Special Word List Works correctly. LITHPERF.ZIP LithPerfect User Manual Not tested. MAKLABEL.WPM Make Multiple Labels with a Macro Works correctly. MARGINS.WPM Marvelous Margins with a Macro Works correctly. MC.WPM "Convert Metric to/from Imperial Distances (No document included)" Works correctly. MCRCHECK.ZIP Debug Macros with MCRCHECK Not tested. MNEMONIC.ZIP A Simple Mnemonic Macro System Works correctly. MOREPERF.ZIP A Guide to MorePerfect Not tested. "NR.WPM ER.WPM" Cross That Reference with Macros Works correctly. NUMROW.WPM Number Rows in a Table Works correctly. NUMWORDS.WPM Convert Numbers to Currency Format Expressed in Words Works correctly. OVERUSED.WPM Find Overused Words Works correctly. PAGENO.WPM "Number Pages as 'Page X of Y' (No document included)" Works correctly. PAGENUM.WPM Spell Out Page Numbers Works correctly. PARABOX.WPM Enclose a Paragraph in a Box Works correctly. PAREN.WPM Find Missing Closing Parentheses Works correctly. PERFKEYS.ZIP PerfectKeys User Manual Not tested. "PLAY.WPM REPLAY.WPM" Replay the Last Macro Works correctly. PRNTBEEP.WPM Notify the Completion of a Print Job "Commands seem to work correctly, but I have no printer with which to test this." PSORT.WPM Sorting Parallel Columns with Block Protect Works correctly. QA.WPM Q and A the Easy Way Works correctly. REMINDER.WPM Create a Daily Reminder Message Works correctly. REVERSE.WPM A Macro for Reversed Text Works correctly. "SAVE.WPM OPEN.WPM" Save to and Open from Favorite Directories Works correctly. SAVE2.WPM Save a File in Two Places Works correctly. SCRCOLOR.WPM Display Screen Colors with a Macro Works correctly. SEARCH.WPM A Directory Searching Macro Works correctly. SEMI.WPM Easily Play Macros with the Semicolon Key Works correctly. SHADE.WPM Shade Alternate Table Rows Works correctly. "SL.WPM SR.WPM" Macros to Repeat Searches Works correctly. SLNAMES.WPM Toggle Short and Long Document Name Display Works correctly. SPELLCHK.WPM Run Spell Check Before Printing Works correctly. SPLIT.WPM Display and Edit Two Documents in the Document Screen Works correctly. SYM.WPM A Menu of Common Symbols Works correctly. SYMBOLS.WPK A Keyboard for Math and Other Symbols Works correctly. TEXTBORD.WPM Create Page Borders Containing Text Works correctly. "TOC.WPM GENERATE.WPM" The Lazy Man's Way to a Table of Contents Works correctly. TOOLS.WPK A Keyboard Layout for Macro Editing Works correctly. URDUKEY.WPK The URDUKEY Keyboard Works correctly. VARVALS.WPM "A Macro to Show the Values of Codes, Variables, State, etc." Not tested. VIEW172.ZIP "A WordPerfect File Viewer (Review the VIEW.DOC file within the zip file)" Works correctly. WINDOWS.WPM Work in Up to Ten Windows Works correctly. WPB130A.ZIP WordPerfect Braille and Speech Keyboard Not tested. WPBACK.BAT A Quick Backup Batch File Works correctly. WPGCAPS.ZIP WordPerfect Drop Cap Graphics Works correctly. WPM.ZIP WPM Demonstration Manual Works correctly. WPMPRT.ZIP Macro Printing Utility Documentation Not tested. WPWONDER.ZIP "A Menu-Driven Collection of Macros and Forms (No document included)" "Works correctly for the most part, but this collection was designed for WP 5.0, not WP 5.1." ZAP.WPM Zap Text from the Cursor to a Character Works correctly. ------------- More Information on ZIPs -------------------- File Name Explanatory Document/Information Comments BORDERS.ZIP WordPerfect Page Border Collection This includes a BORDER INDEX.PDF file that shows all 89 borders. COMPARE.ZIP Compare Two Documents This works slightly differently from WP's native compare function. (Donated by the author. See included WHITE EMAILS.PDF file.) COPYFONT.ZIP The CopyFont Program This program can copy font information from one printer (.ALL) file to another. CPSURE20.ZIP Composure Installation Instructions This is an excellent (mostly) style-based system designed by a typesetting pro. (Donated by the author. See included KISTNER EMAILS.PDF file.) FACMAC.ZIP FACMAC Macro Index This is a keyboard/macro system that adds efficiences to WP. (Donated by the author. See included FACKLER MESSAGES.PDF file.) FONTLESS.ZIP Macros for Fontless Printing This uses the WP Equation Editor to emulate scalable fonts. FREEWPK.ZIP The FREE Keyboard Overview This is a keyboard/macro system that adds efficiencies to WP. JLHELP.ZIP Quick Help for the John Land Macros (see row 9 below) This series of help screens is a companion to the John Land macro collection. JLMACS.ZIP John Land Macros "This is a well-known collection of macros by attorney John Land, who also created collections for WPWin verions 6.1 and 8." LITHPERF.ZIP LithPerfect User Manual This is a system for creating documents in Lithuanian. MCRCHECK.ZIP Debug Macros with MCRCHECK This is a macro debugging system that includes both Editor and WP macros. MNEMONIC.ZIP A Simple Mnemonic Macro System "This is a set of macros that manipulate words, sentences and paragraphs." MORPERF.ZIP A Guide to MorePerfect This is a keyboard/macro system that adds efficiencies to WP. (Donated by the author. See included SHEPARD EMAILS.PDF file.) PERFKEYS.ZIP PerfectKeys User Manual This is a keyboard/macro system that adds efficiencies to WP. Shareware owners The Thompson Partnership (UK) and JASC no longer exist. (JASC was purchased by Corel in 2004.) VIEW172.ZIP A file viewer that displays WP files. (It can replace the older file linked here: "This is the final version, 17.2, of a file viewer that can also view files from several other applications, including WPDOS 6.x and WPWIN files." WPB130A.ZIP WordPerfect Braille and Speech Keyboard Review the README file for the very complete documentation. (Donated by the author. See included BISHOP EMAILS.PDF file.) WPGCAPS.ZIP WordPerfect Drop Cap Graphics This is a set of WPG files for use as graphic capital letters. WPM.ZIP WPM Demonstration Manual This is a fully functional demonstration system of an old shareware program called Instant Menus. WPMPRT.ZIP Macro Printing Utility Documentation This is a utility program written to translate the contents of WP macro files to ASCII text for printing or for other uses. WPWONDER.ZIP A Menu-Driven Collection of Macros and Forms "This collection was designed for WP 5.0, not WP 5.1. See the included WMENU.DOC file for complete documentation. (Donated by the author. See included GROOM MESSAGES.PDF file.)"