contains a standalone app, based on QEMU, that runs Apple's A/UX operating system. I built the A/UX setup using this guide and with extensive, essential help from Cat_7 in this thread at (Updated 3 January 2024.)
To use it, simply launch the app. If you hold down the Option key while launching it, it will offer to open the command file inside it and also open a Finder window on the folder that contains the files.
You can ftp to the A/UX system by starting an ftp session from the host system; set the ftp address as the same network address used by the Mac computer host; set the username and password to "user" and "password", and (very important) set the port to 2121 (not 21).
When you shut down A/UX from the A/UX menu, do not shut down QEMU until the "safe to shutdown" message appears. At this point, depending on the QEMU version that is running, you may need to press Ctrl-Opt-g to release the mouse, and then Cmd-Q to quit QEMU, or it may be enough to press Cmd-Q without releasing the mouse.
By default, the app opens to the root account, which has no password. The documentation (see below) explains how to log in to menu that asks for a username and password, and to log in to different kinds of sessions. The setup supplied here has a root account and a user acount named "user" with the password "password". The root password is empty.
If the app won't start: If the app doesn't start on your system, do this. Open a terminal; type this string into the terminal window:
sudo xattr -rc
followed by a space (the space is essential). Then drag the app into the terminal window so that its path appears on the command line. Press return to run the command. The app should now start.
Display two windows: An alternate version of QEMU included in the app opens two windows, not one. To enable this, change the name of the app so that it includes the string "screens" (e.g. AUXrunner-screens). The same A/UX system will open, but on two screens. You can make this the default setting by editing the AppleScript; if you know how to edit AppleScript, this will be easy. (The two-window version runs under Rosetta 2; the single-window version is now a universal app.)
A/UX documentation from Apple:
Edward Mendelson (edward [dot] mendelson [at] columbia [dot] edu)